Building A Future
So much for so little
Building cost are low in the jungles of Indonesia. Time is abundant and cheap and the local river provides free sand and gravel to make concrete. Our highly trained staff education was initially paid by the City of Praise Church and today financially taken over by Light and Life Christian Fellowship Long Beach USA, who have assisted financing their educational background of the faculty up to a Masters level for the last 6 years. The entire staff is paid $55 a month to including clothing, housing and food. This means your dollar is greatly stretched at a cost of $100,000 dollars completing the dormitory in 2006. Today an amount of $165,000 is needed to start construction of both the High school buildings and around $150,000 is needed to build the mini hospital and cancer research center. This gives us a total need of $315,000 for both buildings.
Above: Middle school under construction
Below: Patricia Simpson with children Below: Students at the dormitory
It is what happens inside the building that counts! Are hearts and minds changed? Is hope given out? Are children given high self-esteem? We need the building so we can do the good things that these children so desperately need. These children are growing and we need classrooms for each new school year that comes up through the ranks.
1. The two buildings for the middle school and high school will serve 500 Students.
2. Will have 22 classrooms each, plus chemistry, physics and biology laboratories Will also have a computer/language laboratory and a library as well as a teacher’s room, office room, conference room, property room and general facilities,
3. Will cost only $165,000 to build, the 2 story High School building that is presently under construction!
4. Buildings will be fitted out with donated computers, desk etc.
5. Put your name on a classroom with a donation of $7,000 or more (or it can be ‘in memory of’ a loved one)
6. First building, the Middle School is now under construction and almost finished, second building will start construction as soon as we have the needed funds together.
7. We urgently need first-class educational materials for the students in our Middle School who will be graduating soon.
Children in Middle school during an exam.
This is urgently needed by the Local Community. Without the High School in the area the students would be forced to drop out of school resulting in many missed education and future opportunities.